Requests for public records are skyrocketing.  The need for new technology continues.


Our consulting services ensure your agency manages information in a legally compliant and cost effective manner, providing your employees and citizens access to accurate, error-free and timely information.

About Us

See our position statement on White House police data initiative: Edward Claughton

Florida’s first statewide hands-on law enforcement public records workshop.

August 12, 2015   8am-3pm 

University of Central Florida, Orlando

Compliance with Florida’s public records law continues to be a challenge.  This special event for Florida law enforcement agencies and State’s Attorney Offices is designed to educate, collaborate and conduct public records compliance exercises to help your agency understand and achieve compliance with these very important laws.

This workshop will involve a review of Florida’s sunshine laws, hands-on exercises involving actual police records and an interactive session with some of Florida’s experts in this field.

Save the date! Details will be published and registration will be open in June.

$145/person.  Group rate: $125/person for 3 or more.  Enter promotion code 3ORMORE.

Every law enforcement agency in Florida should have representatives at this training!

Presented by Edward Claughton and a panel of Florida's public records experts.

Police records management and IT solutions

PRI Management Group
299 Alhambra Circle, Suite 307Coral Gables, FL33134US
Phone: 305-460-0096 Website: